
Posts Tagged ‘kudos’

I always seem to know when I should have my cheat day, but then I try to fight off the temptation. That’s what I love about this site, it helps remind me that having a cheat day is a good thing.

Meal #1

Protein shake

Meal #2

Smoked Salmon

Kudos bar (Yeah, It was wort it)




Meal #3

Garlic and Permesan Pita chips


Meal #4

3 egg whites


1 Kiwi

Meal #5

1 slice of pizza

1 Coca-cola

Dried strawberries


The dried strawberries should really be a separate entry because after I got back home from eating the pizza and coke, I really had a craving and probably ate too many strawberries. I think that the dough and cheese in the pizza really threw my metabolism for a loop, seeing as I don’t usually eat either.

This is another great example on why it’s good to have a cheat day. Everyone knows it’s hard to fight those cravings, like the one described above. So by limiting your intake of the foods that stimulate those cravings (you know what those foods are for you) to your cheat day, it keeps you from binge eating everyday. Now, I’m not saying that you should ever binge eat, but at least by eating your 5 to 7 meals a day, 6 days a week, you will take away the temptation and provide yourself with a consistent foundation of health to work on!!

photo provided by flickr user Harris Graber

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